Monday, August 23, 2010

Ein Sof - א'ן סוף - A Belief System

It seems currently unpopular to have a belief in G-d. The question of greatest import in a belief system whether you call it G-d or Buddha or Tao is what purpose it serves. There is a concept called monism not to be confused with monotheism. Monism is the belief system of the Kabbalah theology, it is the notion of one G-d that is everywhere and everything including ourselves.

This single being includes the absence of everything also. To be in touch with this entity then is to be aware of yourself in the present as it is now, because its totality is everchanging so that the only way to be a part of it is in the present. Think of being the observer and the observed at one time. I find that meditation is the only way I can ever hope to achieve this experience. It is the ultimate of self-awareness for me. As the experience materializes, I feel an inner peace and the genuine ability to move outside of myself and thoughts occur to me generally of an existential nature for which I cannot find words.

The purpose of my theism is the feeling of inner peace and the awareness of self and not self, but most importantly to be in touch with the feeling of being one with all or one with infinity so, that at the same time, there is no separation between self and not self. These are very incredible and indescribable feelings that make me a better person, because I begin to truly care about more than myself. I care more about other people, the earth, other beings in general, and the forces that guide us through life as well as the forces that guide the universe. I, therefore, act to benefit others and the world around me, because I am aware of it and care about it. This is why I believe in G-d,in Ein Sof.

Do you have feelings of inner peace and purpose? Does this or another belief system make sense to you and make you a better person? I welcome any comments.

Friday, August 6, 2010

What is Intimacy?

I recently saw a gay blog site that quoted statistics that indicated that about one half of the gay couples in the San Fransisco area have open relationships. As I perused the comments about open relationships and how people think the incidence is much higher,etc., I did not see one comment about intimacy. The primary reason my partner and I of 7 years don't have an open relationship is that the moment a third party enters into the private territory of our sexual relationship, there is a break in the intimacy.

Intimacy is that special feeling that makes you know you are number one in your partner's list of priorities, and that the loss of the relationship with you is the last thing he wants to happen. It is the sense that there is some individual in your life that you know loves you beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is the feeling that there is one individual you know you can trust with knowing everything about you. It is the feeling that if something bad happens to you (ex. you get sick) that he will be there to help you when you can't help yourself. In short, it is the feeling that you come first in the other person's life except perhaps a child.

What is the only difference between you and a friend? Isn't it sex? The sexual relationship is the one part of the relationship you are not expected to share. You may choose to share it at some point, but I think that is the point where inevitably there is a fundamental change in the basis of the relationship. Is that a change that you really want to make? It is not one that we want to make. What you get from it seems far less valuable to us than what you lose.

It is an individual choice of course, but I think it is a choice all too often that is made too lightly. I feel that it is made because something is out of kilter or dying in the relationship, and it will go unexamined. There are tremendous boundary and trust issues that must be negotiated to open a relationship. It seems simpler to work on the relationship than go through all of that.

To sum it up, that is what I think and we think about Living and Loving. Till next blog.

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