Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
War and the Wimps Who Wage It
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Imaginary Numbers
Imaginary Numbers
by Grover Lawlis, MD
Imaginary numbers, what are those?
Sounds like the result of blow in your nose.
Not really, not at all true.
Out of them grew
How to explain the link between
the Cosmos and the String.
They could maybe explain
Why water swirls down a drain,
Karma is how touching one thing we suspect
another far away in time it will effect.
Like a pebble dropped in our emotional pond,
ripples through the whole of the soul.
What can a shooting star be?
A beautiful firework for you and me?
Or might it collide with our orb of protection,
And take us all out in sudden extinction?
Like it’s once said to have done,
And it caused an Ice Age, all life gone.
Yet, we seem so safe in our air balloon cocoon.
To what do we attribute this great boon?
Imaginary numbers, much is defined
by this attribute, this agility ability of our Mind.
copyright 2011 Grover Lawlis
Saturday, February 5, 2011
About Being Gay and Religious Community
"One Thing
by Ely Winkler
In a recent interview that can be found HERE, I was asked two very difficult questions that I will go into this post and the next post. Shout out to the awesome YU Beacon and my interviewer for letting me share this."
I was asked if there was one thing I could tell the Orthodox community, for all to know, what would it be. Coming to the answer to this question took some time. There is so much I want the Orthodox community to know- that I want to have a “normal” life like the rest of them, that just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m any different from them, that I plan on living an Orthodox lifestyle to the best of my ability, that being gay was not planned, expected, or asked for- but none of these were really just one thing for me to tell the community, so here’s what I went with:
'That being gay is not a choice. It’s not something I ever wished for, and not something I strive to push on anyone who is uncomfortable with it.'
I did not choose to be gay or ask for it or beg for my life to be more difficult. I wished and cried for the opposite. I simply tried to live a “normal” modern Orthodox life, like all my friends, but found myself attracted to the same sex instead of the opposite. After too much pain and struggle, I realized that just because I was gay, I was not going to allow that to stop me from living the “normal” modern Orthodox life; I just hope to do it with a man instead of a woman. Being gay, for almost all individuals struggling is not a choice- if it were, why would we choose the other path? Why would we want to go against the Torah? Why would we beg and plead for communities to accept us for who we are?"
This is something the Orthodox community needs to recognize, because too often people are cast aside or hurt and not accepted. Why? Because it's viewed as something that is more or less in our control, and it's not. Just like a heterosexual's attraction towards women is not in their control, so too for the homosexual, the attraction is not in their control. For all these reasons I had to use this one thing to tell the Orthodox community- being gay is almost always not a choice. Just some food for thought."
When will we all learn to live and love in peace?
Hugs to all of my readers and thanks to Ely Winkler for these expressive paragraphs,
Grover Lawlis
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Debbie Friedman and the Tragedy of the Closet
I once attended a Debbie Friedman concert at a synagogue near where I live and heard she was lesbian. I was told that the woman with her was her partner and always wondered who this person was. I want to publicly state that whoever she is I am with her in her loss and sorrow and wish everyone could have known both Debbie and her partner.
She was much loved and will live on in the beautiful music she produced that became a part of our Jewish life. At a time when we see so much anger in our country against those who are different or who differ it is a particularly poignant moment, a moment when at the same time a Jewish democratic congresswoman's life is in such peril. I abhor the violence that has taken place and the discrimination in America that made Debbie feel her relationship was in some way less than. We are indeed a backward undeveloped country with many in our country who are naive enough to think we are still a world leader. We lead others solely in military might which is not leadership. I also pray for the backward thinking American public that they may truly come into the light to address their shortcomings.